Natural Gas &
For years we have served the oil and natural gas drilling fields of Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado as an emergency service provider. In 2006, we launched our official drilling RIG Service and Maintenance Program. This program not only consists of providing the highest quality emergency Boiler House service, but it also incorporates a multi-seasonal maintenance program to keep your Boiler Houses in top operating condition.

Drilling Rig
Maintenance Programs
Summer Program
During the Boiler House’s off Season, whether it is in the drilling yard or Servco’s Rig Yard we will completely tear down, clean, and repair any damaged or malfunctioning parts on your boiler, having them ready for operation come winter.
Winter Program
During the Boiler House’s operation season, it is crucial to the drilling process to keep these boilers running. Servco offers RIG ROUNDS, where we visit the drilling sites for routine onsite maintenance on a monthly basis, as well as 24 HOUR Emergency Service.

“Tell all of the men that were involved in this project thank you very much from me. If every company held the same standards that you folks do, this country would have never gone down hill the way it has. I worked my guts out, just like these guys do, until age slowed me down. I am always impressed to see that there are still some hard working Americans out there. In the future, I will look to Servco for my boiler parts and service.”
Reed BaileyServco Customer