Servco is the EXCLUSIVE Cleaver-Brooks representative for all of Utah, Eastern Idaho, and Western Wyoming. We provide all genuine Cleaver-Brooks replacement parts and new equipment to fit your boiler room needs. No other company in Utah can provide you with a complete total integration offering like Servco’s.

Boiler Room Products
The Power Of Total Integration
Cleaver-Brooks is a complete boiler room solutions provider that helps businesses run better every day. It develops hot water and steam generation products aimed at total system integration and optimization for the total boiler/burner/control package to maximize energy efficiency and reliability while minimizing emissions.
As a partner with Cleaver-Brooks, Servco provides the following products:

New Products
Whether you are looking to replace an existing boiler with a small footprint, or looking at designing a new facility, the ClearFire®-CE is a perfect fit for any condensing hot water boiler application.
- Fully condensing high-mass firetube boiler
- Compact footprint
- 500 to 6,000 MBH
- Standard less than 20 ppm NOx
- Variable flow capable with no minimum flow requirement
- Standard dual-return connections
Looking To Reduce Your Operating Expenses?
BOOSTSM (Boiler Operation Optimization Savings Test) is a proprietary room analysis tool that determines the exact upgrades and accessories your existing boiler system needs to increase efficiency to its absolute maximum and decrease emissions. The tool generates a customized financial report that details the cost savings in real numbers, so you can prove it is the right thing to do.